Sunday, February 6, 2011

Year 10: 7.1 Geographical Issues in the Coastal Environment

1. The settlement pattern of Australia was largely based down the east and west coast. Due to the largely dense population down the coasts, issues such as population growth, pollution and tourism can become quite harmfull to the environment.

2. The pressure of urban development along the coastline has caused a range of georgraphical issues involving various groups. Residents, tourists and commercial-related activities all need to be managed by geographers so that the development of the cvoastline is sustainable.

3. Overdevelopment and rapid growth of coastal areas occur due to the current Australian trend for people to move from large cities to smaller coast towns and villages where the lifestyle is more relaxed. 'Seahange' is the name applied to this process.

4. Some towns along the east coast of Australia have imposed residential caps or a population ceiling for their town in an effort to stop overdevelopment of the area.

5. Population Growth - impose residential caps or a population ceiling for their town in an effort to stop overdevelopment of the area.

Coastal rivers/lagoons - Dredging the river entrance. This involves digging up earth at the mouth of a river to allow more freeflow in and out of the river.

Pollution - Strict rules and regular clean ups could help reduce pollution along the coast. Strict rules with hefty fines could also prevent a lot of polution.

6. Geographers bring knowledge to the development of coastlines. They alos have knowledge on the promblems which can help lead to the solution. With geographers involved, the community much benifits from their knowledge which can hopefully result to isses in coastal environments

7. Dear Newspaper,
As a resident of 30 years in our town I strongly dislike like the new coastline developments due to the fact they have taken up so much space on the beachside, they look unnappealing and they have eliminated various animals habitats. The space it has used means that myself, being a local, will no longer be able to go down to the beach and surf the local break by myself and instead will have to compete with tourists for waves. There is also no debate about the fact that the the buildings are not aestetical and definately don't fit in with the natural beauty of our area. I also happen to be a commited Environmentilist and I think that the eliminated vegetation can only be bad for the local ecosystem and I think this could be detremental to the Environment in the long run.

Although these points, admitedly I can see advantages in the development of the beach. They will increase the population capability because the tourists will be attracted to our area and the money that local business' recieve could be very beneficial to the local area so hopefully some of that money can go into keeping the Environment stable.

So overall I am still against these developments but I do understand that they could be beneficial to our town. I ask only that you preserve and protect as much of the environment as possible and try and make the developments more appealing to fit in with our surf centred town.

Sincerely Reagan.

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