Sunday, March 13, 2011

Urban Renewal Vocab

Urban Renewal Vocab

Aesthetics - The appreciation of, and sensitivity towards, works of art, designs, products, objects or artifacts. An example is the aesthetics of a building. This example relates to the word as people's feelings and mindset change around the relative looks of a building, inside and outside. If its a warm, colorful and well presented building, people will feel more at home and more comfortable. If its a run-down, rotting building, people will be anxious and uncomfortable.

Safety - The condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences. An example is OH&S regulations. OH&S regulations ensure the wellbeing of a person in the outdoors or the workplace. This relates to safety as the person would be safe from most types of harm, especially physical

Slums - A district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions. An example is a third world area or overpopulated city such as Mumbai. Mumbai's living conditions include 55% of people living in a slum within a 6% area of Mumbai's living space. Slum growth rate is much higher than urban growth.

Decay - The organic phenomenon of rotting. A badly maintained house is an example of decay. This relates to the word as a house that isn't maintained properly would have termites, fungus, collapsing supports and items. This would be uncomfortable for the resident

Reconstruction and renewal - Turning an area to become hospitable or able to be cultivated. A slum would be an example as it would have to be renewed of its waste, decay and poor living conditions to be made properly hospitable and cultivated.

Transport - Moving something or somebody around from one place to the other. An example is public transport. This allows people to catch buses, ferries or trains to get from one place to another easily

Suburbanization - A term used to describe the growth of areas on the fringes of major cities. It is one of the many causes of the increase in urban sprawl. An example is Surry Hills, where the growth of population in that area has increased greatly over the years. In this case, there was no urban sprawl and the area has been increased in value and average income of each resident

Environmental Factors - Factors in the environment that may have an effect on our development or growth eg diet, atmospheric pollutants, cigarette smoke, preservatives, X-rays. These are linked as they would change the way people would consider about living or going to an area. E.g. Going to King's Cross at night or going to Hornsby is clear example as many people would rather Hornsby because of King's Cross' reputation.

Light and Sound - Factors which are technically environmental as they affect the outlook of an area greatly. An example is urbanization and developing of technology. As technology and vehicles such as trains are introduced or used more often, would create much more sound than a regular area with no trains. Light would be a factor as lighting or the brightness (sunlight) of an area would affect people's moods and feelings about that particular place

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