Sunday, June 5, 2011

Exam Prep - Urban Sprawl

1) This is an example of Urban Sprawl because its the expansion of borders and a new suburb near Penrith as it isn't the renovation/renewal of a existing suburb/city but a enlargement of living space for people to become residents of.
2) I think the construction of the town Jordan Springs is actually has a negative effect on the surrounding community for a number of reasons. For example, some people, especially some Aborigine Tribes have complained that their heritage land is being stripped from them forcefully and impacting on their own living space that they have held for thousands of years. Other people have complained because it is depleting the natural beauty of the original woodland and lakes with the building of a town to create a funner 'community' aswell as more jobs and living space. There would be long term advantages in maintaining and preserving the Cumberland Plain Woodland that is the main focal opinion of many people. The creation of Jordan Springs also destroys habitats of animals, this point has probably not even been considered by the government and the removal of these habitats may cause a sudden drop in the population of certain species. For Sydney, the only advantage is that it would create more living space for people. The main disadvantage is the non-conservation of the woodland because if you kept the trees rather than remove them, you would allow CO2 levels to stay lower, rather than increase as there are less trees and more emission creating buildings and vehicles. For Australia, Jordan Springs can also be used as a center for asylum seekers or new (legal) residents rather than having to create more houses in already populated areas. There are many disadvantages such as the rise in pollution levels which Australia doesn't need. Also there is the serious possibility of nobody wanting to move in to Jordan Springs with only temporary jobs in construction and no definite jobs in any other service.

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