Sunday, July 31, 2011

Year 10: Military - US/Australia Alliance

  1. Who is Steven Smith and what important role does he play for the Australian Government? Steven Smith is defence minister of Australia.
  2. What is the Brookings Institution where Mr. Smith delivered his speech? The brooking instituion is in Washington in the US.
  3. What role does the Australia/US Alliance play in Australia's 'strategic and security arrangements'? For almost 50 years, through the joint defence facilities in Australia, we have made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities
  4. What is important about Australia's global location for this alliance? Australia's global location can assist the US by monitoring near by countries such as China, Indonesia. Australia
  5. What contributions has Australia made to this alliance for the last 50 years? Australia has made a significant contribution through joint defence facilities aswell as hosting some of the US's mostsensitive and critical strategic capabilities.
  6. What did the minister say about the Australian companies who do business with the US? Australia is an ally that adds value. We are not a consumer of US security who imposes tough choices on the US military and US public policy.
  7. Why does the minister point out this information about this company? What does it highlight about the relationship between Australia and the US? It highlights that we value-add, and we do so from a vantage point of respect, not dependency
  8. What is the country central to Australia's relationships in the region? China is the country central to Australia's relationships in the region.  
  9. What is Australia trying to foster with this country? Australia wants, as the Chinese would say, China to emerge into a 'harmonious environment'
  10. Why do you think that this is important to Australia? This is because China is one of the super powers of the world and if Australia has them as an allie they can almost guarantee there safety.

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